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2D & 3D Animation School


LISAA offers specialized training in animation cinema in Paris and Toulouse. Start with a refresher course through the entertainment prep program or directly enroll in bachelor's programs focused on 2D/3D animation.

For in-depth expertise, follow one of our master's programs and facilitate your entry into the workforce

Prépa Générale Arts Appliqués
Prépa Générale Arts Appliqués - Paris
Course available in Paris
Prépa entertainment - LISAA Paris Animation & Jeu vidéo
Foundation year Entertainment
Course available in Paris
Back-to-school in September 2024
Bac+3 / Titre RNCP niv. 6
Bachelor Animation 2D/3D - LISAA Paris
Bachelor 2-D/3-D Animation (available in English)
Course available in Paris / Toulouse
Back-to-school in September 2024
Bac+3 / Titre RNCP niv. 6
Bachelor Animation 3D - LISAA Paris
Bachelor 3-D Animation
Course available in Paris
Back-to-school in September 2024
Bac+3 / Titre RNCP niv. 6
Bachelor Animation 2D - LISAA Paris
Bachelor 2-D Animation
Course available in Paris
Back-to-school in September 2024
Bac+5 / Titre RNCP niv. 7
mastère animation 3D
Master 3-D Animation
Course available in Paris
Back-to-school in September 2024
LISAA Animation & Jeu Vidéo Paris
7 rue Armand Moisant
+33 (0)1 71 39 88 00
LISAA Toulouse
Campus Enova - 505 rue Jean Rostand
+33 (0)5 61 39 77 20