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LISAA Paris Interior Architecture & Design

Orientation Day at LISAA Paris Interior Architecture & Design

LISAA Paris school of interior architecture & design welcomes you on the 1st February 2020 from 10am to 5pm and informs you on the careers in interior architecture, design and scenography.

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Welcome cocktail all day long

Campus tour

Tour of the workshops and classrooms.

The educational staff and the students give you information about the courses, the types of projects that they work on, the skills acquired.

Exhibition of students' projects: end-of-studies, partnerships, contests.

1pm-5pm Orientation & councel desk

Advice for orientation and preparation for the interview.

11am & 2pm Conferences

  • 11am - "How the foundation year guides the choice of a future career" by Chantal Boëtte, Head of Studies of the foundation year and second year in Interior Architecture & Design
  • 2pm - "Careers in interior architecture & Design / Introduction to the course: objectives, prospects, admission" by Emmanuelle Torck, Director

10am-4pm Workshops

  • 10am-4pm - Fablab: discovery workshop, production of objects with the laser cut in the school fablab manager
  • 1pm-2pm & 3pm-4pm - Drawing class with a teacher - free access and equipment

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Practical information

LISAA Paris Interior Design School
73 rue Pascal
75013 paris
+33 (0)1 45 43 02 02
Saturday 1st February 2020: 10am-5pm

Partagez l’actualité sur
Formations liées au projet
Foundation year in Architecture & Design
A key moment for future course choice, the foundation year enables students to best prepare for their subsequent studies through discovering the reality of design professions, acquiring the fundamentals through the practice of representation techniques and preparing for national architecture schools.
En savoir plus
Interior Architecture & Design / 5-year course
This course prepares students to become specialists in furniture and object design, global design, service design, Internet of Things design, design of interior spaces, stage design, creation of cultural spaces, environments and urban spaces. Students can undertake a sandwich course work placement during their 5th year.
En savoir plus
Interior Architecture & Global Design
En savoir plus
LISAA Architecture d’intérieur & Design Paris
73 rue Pascal
+33 (0)1 45 43 02 02