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LISAA Graphic Design reveals a new Master's degree in response to eco-social issues

For the past two years, LISAA Design graphique has been setting up projects and workshops in partnership with key figures in the eco-social field. For the start of the 2023 academic year, the school is taking things a step further and introducing its Master's degree in 360° Communication x Eco-social Design, with the ambition of helping students to develop a critical mindset and a new way of looking at eco-social issues. 

Design eco-social

At a time when eco-social design is challenging and updating practices in all creative fields, LISAA Design Graphique is introducing a new Bac+5 course starting in September, providing students with skills in line with these challenges and tomorrow's job market. Art direction, creative conception, motion design, video, web and social media environment, branding, marketing...all these fields are concerned by the eco-social dimension of communication processes. In the wake of the Pacte law, companies and major groups are increasingly scrutinizing the CSR commitments of their partners, and design agencies are already aware of the need to respect people (accessibility, parity, inclusion...) and the environment.

Marie Voïta, a graduate of LISAA Design Graphique's Artistic Direction Master's program: "During my studies at LISAA, I was introduced to issues of sustainability and the solidarity economy. The questions raised during my studies gave rise to my final project, Matérium, a multi-support medium that takes the form of a digital platform, an edition and a traveling forum. Today, as art director, most of my clients are associations and companies that are harmonizing their communications and visual identity with their values of sharing and sustainability. When you're a student, you don't necessarily see this immediately, but with hindsight, I've come to realize the fruitful link between my studies and my professional.

The courses will be run in partnership with studios at the forefront of innovation and inclusion: DAZD - Direction Artistique Zéro Déchet, whose members take in consideration the environmental limits, human and budgetary constraints in their projects, and Praticable, which imagines uses and lifestyles in relation to the challenges of our era.

As Maud Ferrandon, Director of LISAA Graphic Design & Motion Design, explains, "If we want to transform our societal attitudes, we have to start with education, and give our students the tools they need to make a difference. That's why the 360° Communication x Eco-social Design course answers a double challenge: firstly, to provide the elements for reflection, and the technical and technological skills in high demand in today's job market, and secondly, to offer students the opportunity to invest in and rethink the codes and ways of doing design by integrating a social and innovative dimension, in interaction with professionals rooted in the business culture and research."

"Eco-social practices make it possible to send an inclusive and egalitarian message in a saturated information environment, but also to put in place good digital and print practices that ultimately contribute to saving time and commitment for companies and for learners," explains Gabriel Desplanque, Director of Programmes at LISAA Graphic Design.

The Master's in Art Direction, created in 2008 as an initial training course, has been open to sandwich courses since 2018. With 15 students at the start, then 50 in 2018, LISAA Design Graphique now welcomes more than 500 future professionals, attracted by the high employability of the course (the professional integration rate is 94% at 6 months for all the Masters). 

"Maud Ferrandon concludes: "Because we are aware of the vital role played by education, and because our teams are actively renewing their knowledge of the professional, technical and theoretical fields, we can fully support our students as they enter the job market.

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+33 (0)1 85 73 23 40
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73 rue Pascal
+33 (0)1 59 13 36 03
LISAA Mode Paris
5 rue Laromiguière
+33 (0)1 59 13 36 01
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7 rue Armand Moisant
+33 (0)1 59 13 36 06
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