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Bachelor Animateur 2D/3D

Animation 2D mastère
Full time course
Eligible for:
High school diploma or High school diploma
Output level:
Bachelor degree
September 2024

This course in 2-D and 3-D animation trains professionals to direct animation films, animated series, music videos and motion design. Students will reinforce their practice of drawing, color and production softwares; they will tackle the creation of storyboards, layout, sets, characters and the production of animation. They benefit from a high-end equipment, at the cutting edge of digital techniques, and from a teaching staff of professionals.


Click on the subject for details. The schedule is for information purposes only and may be modified.

  • Representation techniques
  • 01. Observational Drawing
  • 3 hrs
  • 6
  • 02. Life Drawing
  • 3 hrs
  • 6
  • 03. Outdoor drawing / Prespective / Setting
  • 3 hrs
  • 5
  • 04. Colour
  • 3 hrs
  • 6
  • 05. Methodology / Creativity
  • 2h30
  • 6
  • 06. Digital Practice
  • 6 hrs
  • 4
  • Specialised workshops
  • 07. Character design
  • 3 hrs
  • 6
  • 08. Background design
  • 3 hrs
  • 6
  • 09. Shot / Storyboard
  • 3 hrs
  • 6
  • Artistic Culture
  • 10. History of Art and Film Culture
  • 2 hrs
  • 5
  • 11. English
  • 2 hrs
  • 4
  • 12. Option (Chinese / japanese / Sapnish)
  • 1 hr
  • /
  • Fundamentals
  • 01. Morphology
  • 3 hrs
  • 6
  • 02. Image Analysis
  • 3 hrs
  • 6
  • Development
  • 03. Story layout
  • 3 hrs
  • 8
  • 04. Visual Design
  • 3 hrs
  • 8
  • Production
  • 05. 3D Production
  • 6 hrs
  • 12
  • 06. 3D Animation
  • 3 hrs
  • 8
  • Post-production
  • 07. Compositing
  • 3 hrs
  • 8
  • 08. Sound
  • 3 hrs
  • 4
  • Fundamentals
  • 01. Morphology
  • 3 hrs
  • 8
  • Development
  • 02. Story layout
  • 3 hrs
  • 8
  • 03. Visual Design
  • 3 hrs
  • 10
  • Production
  • 04. 3D Production
  • 6 hrs
  • 14
  • 05. 3D Animation
  • 3 hrs
  • 10
  • Post-production
  • 06. Compositing
  • 3 hrs
  • 10
  • 07. Sound (optional)
  • 3 hrs
  • /

Request an application form


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LISAA Toulouse
Campus Enova - 505 rue Jean Rostand
+33 (0)5 61 39 77 20