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Autumn term confirmed: LISAA ensures educational continuity and health and safety

LISAA is a member of the Galileo Global Education group. The strength of our group enables us to already 100% confirm the beginning of the new academic year. Whatever the public health situation or government guidance might be in the future, we are committed to conducting the new school year with the required level of health protection and the best conditions so that you can learn, acquire new skills and continue to develop.

100% educational continuity

From the outset of the lockdown period, we switched to distance learning for classes and exams to allow our students to continue their year despite the exceptional circumstances. In particular, we provided all students and teachers with access to the Blackboard Collaborate tool and all of its functionalities dedicated to higher education. Throughout the Galileo group, more than 3,600 teachers were trained to use the tool, more than 40,000 students connected and more than 2,000 lessons per day were taught online during the lockdown period.

But regular in-school learning is necessary, to enable you to use equipment and materials, receive individual support, take part in discussions and boost your motivation.

Also in preparation for the next school year, we are now working on implementing different educational continuity solutions in strict compliance with health guidelines, in the event that the situation does not return to normal.

  • “Extended classes": class size is halved with one half attending in person. The class is filmed in real-time and the other half participates online. And vice versa.
  • Timetables and lesson days spread out to split classes and observe necessary distance measures.
  • Conversion of certain classes online to place you at the centre of your education.
  • Adaptating the balance of face-to-face/online learning according to students’ autonomy linked to their level of studies. 

100% compliance with health and safety measures

Whatever solutions we implement, they will comply with the current health measures:

  • Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms.
  • Layout of classrooms and communal spaces will be adapted as much as possible to ensure social distancing.
  • Face masks will be required if necessary.
  • The premises will be cleaned and disinfected daily.

Rest assured: with us, your next school year will take place. 

Our solid structure enables us to guarantee this and that the necessary measures will be put in place.  

We are committed to ensuring that your training takes place in the best possible conditions.

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LISAA Design graphique & Communication Paris
62 boulevard Arago
+33 (0)1 85 73 23 40
LISAA Architecture d’intérieur & Design Paris
73 rue Pascal
+33 (0)1 59 13 36 03
LISAA Mode Paris
5 rue Laromiguière
+33 (0)1 59 13 36 01
LISAA Animation & Jeu Vidéo Paris
7 rue Armand Moisant
+33 (0)1 59 13 36 06
LISAA Nantes
13 rue Baron
+33 (0)2 14 00 78 54
LISAA Rennes
13 rue Poullain Duparc
+33 (0)2 14 00 78 71
LISAA Strasbourg
1A rue Thiergarten
+33 (0)3 53 70 65 51
LISAA Bordeaux
Campus Bassins à Flot - 20 Quai Lawton CS 50100
Bordeaux Cedex
+33 (0)5 56 12 40 56
LISAA Toulouse
Campus Enova - 505 rue Jean Rostand
+33 (0)5 16 63 60 96